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Keion's Healing Documentary Pt 1

Writer: Stephanie ReeseStephanie Reese



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© 2018 by  Stephanie Reese - Keion's Reese

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Stubborn Faith Blog!

July 2018

You all Have Such Great Faith!

I have heard the above statement so many times since Keion's near drowning. Every time I hear it I am forced to examine myself. To be honest I sooo afraid! My husband and I had to disagree with doctors, turn down surgeries they believed he would need, and continually renew our minds and trust God in spite of what we saw. We had to saturate ourselves in the Word of God, that's the ONLY way we were able to walk by faith and not by sight.

We believe that it is God's will to heal! Jesus paid a pretty steep price for Keion (and yours) healing. I notice in the Bible that Jesus rarely healed people the same way. For one He used spit another person touched the hem of His garment, while another man told Jesus to just speak a word and he knew what he needed would be done.


We don't know exactly how God is going to restore our son but Keion WILL fully recover in Jesus name! It's already done! Jesus settled it on the cross.

      "For He was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the        chastisement of our peace was upon Him; and by His stripes we ARE healed"!!!! Isaiah 53:5-6


Nae Reese

God Will Prepare You!

God is sooo faithful! I didn't grow up in church. As a child I did not know that God could heal the sick, raise the dead, I was completely oblivious to the supernatural. I was taught to fear God and to never question Him. We were what some would call "surface Christians", we lived however we wanted to live but acknowledged God as God. 

After I got saved and began to live for the Lord I was taught the WHOLE Bible: about miracles and all. My husband on the other hand grew up in church, he already knew about the supernatural. As a teenager I met a woman that was healed from cancer, I also met a man healed from HIV/Aids. I was introduced to a whole new world and since a teenager I believed God could heal. 

I'm sure I can speak for my husband when I say, although we knew God could heal we never wanted to know it through experience. I guess we can say we REALLY KNOW now lol. 


It's important who you surround yourself with. If you're around people that do not believe in the Healer; Jesus Christ, it's time you change your circle. The spiritually mature saints carried us with not only their prayers but their words. I would have never guessed we'd go through something like this but God is faithful, he prepped us years before it would happen.

Nae Reese

August 4th, 2018

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